
Are you considering getting a divorce? Or maybe you're experiencing the pain and aftermath of one. No matter what stage you are in, divorce invades every area of your life with questions and confusion. To help with some of these tough questions, we have provided resources to comfort, encourage and guide you during this challenging time.


Divorce Podcast Highlight

The heart-wrenching whirlwind of divorce or the trauma of losing a spouse to death can leave us completely depleted of our identity. Trying to navigate the chaotic and exhausting world of juggling all the demands of raising our kids on our own can leave us at a loss of who we are. Not recognizing who we were, who we are now, and who we are supposed to become can seem elusive while we're just struggling to get by. So as a part of self-care, how can we begin to reclaim our identity, to discover confidence in who we are and how we fit in this new reality?


The Power of Community

Something special happens when we create a community around us. We can go further when we join together with like-minded, like-hearted people. "A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

Connect with a Church

Loveology and Divorce Care

Divorce Care
couple embracing with a hug