A survey of 1,800 employed pet owners highlights a growing trend of pet-centric decision-making in the workplace. The findings reveal that 7% of respondents have left their jobs searching for roles that allow them to better care for their pets.
A significant 60% of respondents admitted they might leave their current job if it interfered with their ability to care for their pet properly.
This survey underscores the increasing importance of pet-friendly policies and flexible work environments influencing job satisfaction and career choices. As pet ownership rises and more people treat pets as family members, employers may need to adapt policies to attract and retain employees who prioritize their pets' well-being.
Pet Owners Consider Pet-Friendliness Crucial in Choosing Jobs
The survey conducted by OnePoll for Vetster also revealed that 41% of employed pet owners would be willing to accept a lower salary in exchange for a workplace that supports a pet-friendly culture. This indicates a strong willingness among pet parents to prioritize their pets' well-being, even at the expense of financial gain.
The survey revealed that 39% of respondents feel their workplace is "very" pet-friendly, while nearly half consider pet-friendliness a crucial factor when deciding where to work.
Accommodating pets could also motivate employees to return to the office. For instance, 30% said they would be more willing to work on-site if they could bring their pets. Additionally, 28% would appreciate taking sick days when their pets are unwell, and 24% would value pet-related benefits from their employer. This highlights the growing demand for workplaces to integrate pet-friendly policies to improve employee satisfaction and retention.
Why Does This Happen
Pet owners, on average, find their pets occupying their thoughts nearly every hour of the workday — approximately seven times during a typical 9-to-5 schedule. They report worrying about their pets around five times a day at work.
For many, this anxiety stems from being away from their furry companions. The survey reveals that 22% of pet owners who work in-office or follow a hybrid model confess that their concerns about their pets’ well-being at home often outweigh the stress of their actual job responsibilities. The emotional connection between pet owners and their animals comes through clearly, as well as the challenges faced when balancing work and pet care.
Both pets and their owners seem to face challenges when separated during work hours. Over half of pet parents believe their pets experience separation anxiety when left alone, while nearly half admit they feel the same way.
Pets have become integral to the workday for those working remotely or on hybrid schedules. On average, these pet parents take about five breaks during the day to cuddle or play with their furry companions. Not only is this time valued, but 59% of respondents say these pet-related breaks are essential to maintaining their productivity and workflow. The deep bond between pets and their owners highlights the role pets play in creating a balanced work environment.
Because of the changing work models and offices opening up, 47% of the respondents said they are likely to look for a new job due to the cost of caring for their pets when they’re not around.
Cerys Goodall, Chief Operating Officer at Vetster, says, “It’s important that employers find ways to work with their pet parent employees and find a way that allows them to balance both pet parenthood and their career.”
What Are Pet Owners Doing
A significant majority of working pet owners (81%) prioritize giving their pets the best life they can. They do this by spending quality time with them, as reported by 77%, offering daily treats (63%), and ensuring their pets receive plenty of exercise (60%).
According to the same study, many pet owners are willing to make significant personal sacrifices for their pets. 16% would forgo a promotion, and 14 % would even risk their job security if it meant improving their pet’s quality of life.
“Pet owners clearly view their pets as family, and their ability to care for them is becoming a critical factor in workplace satisfaction,” said Goodall. “The evidence is clear — creating pet-friendly workplaces is essential for companies looking to attract and retain top talent.”
What Is The Way Forward?
The findings from this survey highlight a clear shift in workplace expectations as pet ownership becomes an integral part of employees' lives. Companies that aim to stay competitive and keep valuable team members must recognize the importance of accommodating the needs of pet owners.
This could mean implementing pet-friendly policies such as allowing pets in the office, offering flexible or hybrid work schedules, introducing pet-related benefits like insurance or daycare, and granting time off for pet emergencies.
A pet-friendly work culture is no longer a nice-to-have — it is rapidly becoming necessary in the modern workplace.