Matt Reynolds

Chief Financial Officer

Matt Reynolds

Favorite Core Value: We Trust in God: Our faith, trust and hope are in Christ. God's Word guides our decisions, refreshes us and creates an unshakable faith. Our dependence on God is reflected in our commitment to prayer.

Matt Reynolds joined EMF in 2022 as Director of Financial Analysis and Treasury and was promoted to VP of Finance before becoming Chief Financial Officer in 2023.


Matt’s background in ministry and finance helped prepare him for his role at EMF, which he views as an opportunity to honor God through wise and prayerful stewardship.


Before joining EMF, Matt was CFO at Denison Ministries, where he helped build and serve the brands and teams that multiplied the reach and impact of the organization.


Prior to his six years at Denison, Matt was a Senior Consultant at Deloitte, serving Fortune 500 companies. Though grateful for the experience and knowledge he gained there, Matt longed for something more fulfilling and decided to dedicate his career to serving companies that helped further the Gospel.


Before relocating to Middle Tennessee with his wife and two sons, Matt was an active member of Antioch Community Church in Dallas for 10 years, where he served as an elder and led the stewardship team, worship team and small groups. 


Matt is excited to be combining his financial background with his passion for growing God’s Kingdom while helping to steward the resources with which God has blessed EMF.